In partnership with AN2V Formations, Sensivic is developing its training program to support all integrators and installers of electronic security and video protection solutions, design offices, technical managers and project managers.
Intelligent audio detection, a new technology in the security world, needs to be understood so that system designers, installers and maintainers can integrate it optimally.

A virtuous partnership at the service of Sensivic customers

Sensivic has chosen to rely on AN2V Training, in partnership mode, to deploy its training.
Several factors convinced us that this association would generate guarantees of quality and financial guarantees for our clients:
Be able to benefit from the expertise of a real training centre in the security profession: know-how, professionalism, experience.
Be able to deliver our training within the framework of the Qualiopi accreditation of the AN2V, certifying the quality of our actions
Enable our clients to have access to the management of our training activities by public or mutualised actors (OPCO)
The objectives of the Sensivic training programme:
Intelligent audio detectors bring real-time to video security systems by saving valuable time in situations that can quickly escalate. In addition, audio detectors point the cameras in the direction of a potential hazard, place a time marker in the video stream and can trigger an automatic countermeasure within seconds.
This training will give you the keys to understanding the technical and legal limitations of audio detection and to knowing in what situations and contexts it is relevant.

Understand how sound propagates, how to measure it and what factors limit its capture.
Understand the concept of soundscapes and sound abnormality.
Understand the principle of SENSIVIC intelligent audio detection.
Know how to identify the sound sources detected by audio detectors and in what contexts these sources may appear.
Take control of SENSIVIC solutions: directional detector, omnidirectional detectors, mobile application for verbal abuse detection. Know how to install, configure and trigger them.
Evaluate where detectors should be placed taking into account the context, the soundscape, and the factor limiting sound capture.
Understand the legal limitations of audio detection (GDPR) and ANSI recommendations for cybersecurity.
An effective and certifying training format

Our trainings take place on a full day of 7 hours for 1 to 4 people per session. These sessions take place at our premises in Orléans (inter-office), in a specific training room. They can be declined in intra on request. They alternate theory and practical case feedback with Powerpoint support, interactive quizzes, tests of SENSIVIC solutions, and are delivered by Sensivic's Deputy Technical Director. Under the terms of this agreement, a full assessment will be conducted by each trainee, which will allow them to benefit from a certificate of achievement and Sensivic certification.